Monday, January 23, 2012

My First Baby Baby

I'm going to be a big brother. Well, that's what mom says. And that's what my brand new shirt says. I don't know what it means but Mom is really excited so I'm really excited too. She says I have a couple of months to get used to the idea. Whew! I get smarter every day so I think I'll be able to figure this all out in a couple of months...right?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Very First...Father's Day

This was the first Father's Day I got to spend with my Daddy.  I know; shocking being that I'm almost 2.  Yes, Daddy should have had his 1st Father's Day in 2010 but God had other plans. Daddy spend his "1st" in the hospital.  I'm so glad he didn't have to be there this year. I love my Daddy and every minute I spend with him.  Mommy was trying to make it extra special. She made breakfast all morning for a brunch we were going to have with Great Grampa and G-Pa too.  Since I'm too little to work the big typing machine Mommy and Daddy are always on, Mommy helped me make a special card and gift for Daddy that he seemed to really love. Mommy helped me put together a collage of my favorite day I ever got to spend with him. I wanted a way to preserve that day forever.

Mommy got me Matty sized items that'll make me think of Daddy when I wear them. Daddy is going to be working on the 3rd Generation Apache helicopter so I got helicopter pj's and some ASU stuff since he's a student there practicing to be an engineer.  Mommy made Daddy wear a really silly #1 Daddy shirt too.  I don't know why she thought it was funny because I thought it was pretty cool.  My Daddy is the best.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My First...Birthday!!

I think I like this birthday thing. Especially the cake and the decorations. The morning of my birthday I woke up to silly strings hanging down from the ceiling and some other fun decorations. Then I got to play with pretty paper that had stuff inside. Mom and Dad took me to one of their favorite breakfast places where G-Ma, G-Pa, Great G&G were waiting for us. I suddenly remembered that G-Ma and I share a birthday! That's super fun! Mommy had to work since my birthday was on a Tuesday so she planned a big party for me that next Friday. We had everyone there! Aunties, Uncles, Cousins, all my Grandparents, my Great Granparents and some great friends! We had lots of food...did I mention the cake? Yum! Thanks G-Ma for my cupcakes. It was really fun. I tuckered out early but know that the big adults played dominos until late in the night. It was a lot of fun! I'm excited for my next birthday already!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

My First...Halloweeeeeeeen!!

Ok, Mom loves Halloween. In fact, she would walk me through the Halloween section in every store every chance she got. I do like her decorations until she actually made me sit in one of them...but that's another story. I know Mom was excited for me to experience my first Halloween but to tell you the truth, I think I might get it more a little next year. But it seems like everyone had fun and people I knew were dressed up like other people and things. I loved when Kelly and Chica had different costumes on. I was a skeleton and my outfit glowed when Mom turned the lights off. It was pretty cool! Especially when Mom brought me back in after the torturous photo shoot she had me doing. I was a little embarrassed but Mom was excited about the pictures she got and turned into my 1st Birthday invitation (look for it in another post soon). Here are some of her favorites.

Hope your Halloween was spooktacular!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

My First...Catch Up time since my last catch up time.

Since my last adventure in Target, I've had so many things happen. Mom says she can't bear to keep up with all my changes. She says I'm "sooooo bigggg" and I think I am too. I am crawling all over the place and holding onto mommy, daddy or g-ma with only one hand to walk around the house. But no matter where I am, G-Ma, Gramma and Papa's or my house, I can pretty much grab onto anything and walk my way around. It's pretty exciting except when Mommy tells me "icky" or "no no" or "let's go find something else to play with" or worse..."MMMAAAATTTTHHHEEEWWWWWWW - NO!".  I'm eating big boy food like a big boy. Mommy and Daddy eat the same thing I do sometime so I know I'm "sooo bigggg". It's pretty cool how fun everything is once you can start getting around.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My First...Temper Tantrum

Ok, I have to admit...sometimes I don't 100% behave myself. I've always been very vocal about my thoughts and feelings and with two such independent and opinionated parents, I am sure no one is surprised that I'm full of my own ideas.  As I mentioned in my previous post, I haven't been feeling too well this week.  That has made me pretty grumpy.  When mom decided it was a good idea to take me to her favorite store, I wasn't sure how to tell her how bad of an idea I thought it was since I don't know too many words yet.  As Mommy walked me into Target and was busy putting my cart cover toy on the push cart and getting me all situated, she decided to take those fun rattley keys from me. All I wanted to do was chew on them and I didn't like it when she took them at all. Mommy said that everyone in Target heard me and we even had the workers come up and try to help Mommy settle me down.  Well, I forgot I love my little blankey as much as Mommy's keys so I ended up ok afterall.  Mom says I need to learn not to hit and scratch. I'm not sure what that means but I know she didn't like me screaming. I don't like getting that mad so we'll have to work on that... Hey, I'm still learning all this stuff.


Monday, August 16, 2010

My first...time being sick :(

One thing I know I do not like doing is going to the doctor. I think Dr. Allred is really nice and I love that the blue ocean is painted on all the walls.  I'll always think of my first time at the ocean in San Diego everytime I go visit Dr. Allred. But I'll also know that at the end of my visit, every time I get my legs stuck with something that hurts really bad.  When we went to Dr. Allred that day, I was already feeling really weird and starting to cough and sound funny like mommy had all week.  Mom says Friday the 13th is supposed to be unlucky and I think she's right. I got really sick that night. Mom had to keep a cold wash cloth on my forehead and rub my feet and my body felt achy and hot and sweaty all over.  I did get some pretty tasty stuff from a tube though. Eventually I started to feel a little better but I've been feeling pretty stuffed up the last couple of days. I hope I don't feel like this forever.  Mom is starting to sound normal again so maybe in a couple of days, I'll feel better too.

For now, I'm just gonna feel grumpy.